What would you do with 417 hours? #Productivity and #motivation

I’m always wondering where I can find extra time in my day to do the things that make me happy! Wondering where all my time went, I recently downloaded the Life Cycle App.  This app gives you the ability to quantify that question of.. where does all my time go?

My life Cycle App tells me that I spend between 1 and 1.15 hours a day commuting back and forth to work. Not actually breaking news, but this became food for thought.Specifically, what could I do with all that commuting time in #hitraffic.

Here is a typical day (the app automatically tracks your movements-no need to input data)


Here is a one month break down:


Then, my sister sent me an article suggesting that if we disconnected from social media by a bit, our productivity could increase by leaps and bounds. 

The Simple Truth behind reading 200 books a year

According to better human’s blog post, it’s all about creating new habits!

“Getting good at habit formation took me years….One game-changing idea from a good book is worth thousands of dollars. If a coach helps you read ONE more good book a year, you already get your money’s worth.”

Would they be science and math books?


But wait, what if it’s an audio book, or a podcast?

I’d like to share with you some of my favorite podcasts that motivate and inspire me!

The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions  


Happier with Gretchen Rubin


The Charlene Show 


Arel Moodie The Art of Likability


One of my favorite quotes from Robin Sharma…” Problems are servants. They help you grow and lead to better things, both within your organization and in your life. To resist them is to avoid growth and progress. Embrace and get the best from the challenges in front of you. And understand that the only people with no problems are dead.”

What do you do that motivates you? Share out in the comments section. Please share and subscribe. 

FODMAP UPDATE : Day 10 of the elimination diet. Evidently apples are bad. No migraines for two weeks and no guy issues for 10 days. This might work!

FODMAP Diet-Apples are bad

Apples are bad.

Excuse me? Apples are good for you! An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

     Well, not for you….along with a million other things you think are healthy.

People with trouble digesting fructose in the large intestine must several limit all FODMAPS (short chain carbohydrates). FODMAP -had you even heard of this? Plus, it’s not just the food, but the volume of food. A bite of apple, some Falafel, and buttered mashed potatoes all together…not good. I can attest to that!

You can purchase this at Amazon

That’s the story so far. Causes? Radiation side effects, scar tissue, or IBS. Those are the three they are throwing around. I guess it doesn’t matter which it is because the results is the same. Lower left quadrant pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea…Oh My! You pick. They are all junk. I have always known certain foods bothered me, so maybe it’s been there forever. After consulting with the experts-my oncologist, the gastroenterologist, the nutritionist, my husband, my sister, my co-worker, my walking partner, my mother and mother-in-law, I have decided to move forward with this diet in hopes that my symptoms will abate.

Back to Tripler hospital…

Tripler stairwell…original 1920 banisters

Game day for me starts today with a colonoscopy and then the FODMAP elimination diet. One aside on the colonoscopy….it’s somehow possible to gain weight during the colon prep. I can only assume it’s from the salts in the OSMOPREP Phosphate pills. But seriously? Ridiculous. I thought evacuating the colon was good for at least 5 pounds. Someone lied to me.  Have you had a colonoscopy yet? What prep did you use?

The FODMAP Elimination Phase-eat nothing….Just kidding! There is lots to eat, kind of.

Allowed: banana, rice, corn chips!, carrots, fish, beer, wine, cheddar cheese, strawberries, blueberries, zucchini, creamy peanut butter to name a few. Oh, wait…pickles and olives

Not Allowed: bread, pasta, flour tortillas, milk, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, beans, yogurt, onions, garlic, and more!

Two weeks on this and then the Challenge Phase…to be continued.

Tell me about your special diets!!

Still alive and kicking!