Lather, Rinse and repeat. Covid-19 update

Covid-19 update for you all! I am feeling fine and my next check-up is in June. I wonder if they will postpone because several folks at the hospital have tested positive for Covid-19…

I believe my immune system to be back up to 100%, but I’m trying not to gamble with my health.

In the meantime, I am teaching classes online with Google Meet. So far, 100 percent attendance, which I never get IRL (in real life).

Online Classes

Our shopping trips are minimized to once per week. I’m not ready to cut down to once in every two weeks, but that may be next. We are trying to make our shopping list more complete. I don’t want to get sick because I went to the store for one quart of milk! The Mayor has issued an order that all shoppers will wear masks beginning on Monday.

Shopping expedition. 

There is a sameness to the days, but some of it is fun! I have reintroduced myself to Judge Judy! We gather around the TV around 5 with Judge Judy Happy Hour!

Judge Judy Happy Hour

I miss seeing everyone in person, but I also like the slower pace of life. I especially don’t miss my commute to work of 45 minutes to one hour daily!

For my Academy friends. do you remember in Survival Training when we had to listen to the Rudyard Kipling Poem Boots Boots Boots over the loud speakers?

No end in sight for now from restrictions to quarters, but it is okay. I like my life. I like my people and we keep on going!